Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Main Quest Walkthroughs List

Main quest walkthroughs list for Dragon’s Dogma 2, including all story quest objectives, rewards, and unlocked features, and average time required to clear the main story and getting 100% completion (Platinum).

Main Quest 1: A Gaoled Awakening

LocationExcavation Site (The Hole)
Quest Giver (NPC)Friska, the Overseer
How to UnlockUnlocked at the start of the game.
Quest Description“Having sat upon the throne in your dreams, how could you be content to remain a slave? When a voice whispered that your fate was not to perish here, you seized your chance to escape and took to the skies.”
Quest ObjectivesHeed the OverseerPick up a BoulderCarry the Boulder back to RookInvestigate the DisturbanceFend off the BeastFlee for your Life

Main Quest 2: Tale’s Beginning

LocationUltramarine Waterfall
Quest Giver (NPC)Justinn
How to UnlockClear Main Quest 1: A Gaoled Awakening
Rewards700 G
Quest Description“You have discovered your identity: you are the true Arisen. For proof, look no further than your pawn – the faithful servant whom you summoned from the riftstone. Your pawn’s companionship will doubtless be a source of comfort during the long and arduous journey that lies ahead.”
Quest ObjectivesFollow JustinnMake for MelveMake for the Lodgings

Main Quest 3: In Dragon’s Wake

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 4: Seat of the Sovran

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 5: Monster Culling

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 6: Disa’s Plot

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 7: The Caged Magistrate

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 8: The Stolen Throne

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 9: An Unsettling Encounter

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 10: Feast of Deception

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 11: Nation of the Lambent Flame

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 12: Flickering Shadows

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 13: Convergence

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 14: A New Godsway

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 15: The Guardian Gigantus

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

Main Quest 16 (Final): Legacy

Quest Giver (NPC)
How to Unlock
Quest Description
Quest Objectives

How Long Does it Take to Beat Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Main Story?

Around 20 hours to clear all main story quests (no side quests).

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s main story can be cleared in about 20 hours without doing any optional content such as side quests or finding collectibles in the game. This length goes up to around 40 hours if you decide to explore the game while going through a fair amount of side quests along the way.

Requires 100 hours or more for 100% completion.

Players aiming for 100% completion (Platinum) can expect to put in up to and and even more than 100 hours in the game which entails clearing all side quests, finding all collectibles, and completing all optional content.

Does the Game Have New Game Plus (NG+)?

Dragon’s Dogma 2 features a New Game Plus (NG+) mode that allows you to replay the entirety of the main quests with all of your equipment, levels, skills, and money (gold) carried over.

Being able to start a new run of the main story allows you to go back to any quests, items, and story events you might have missed in your previous playthrough towards getting 100% completion.

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