Oft what matters is that the work gets done, not the hands that do it. When saddled with another’s tasks, you can but hope that the trust you earn will make it worth the effort.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: In Dragon’s Wake
Clear Rewards
400 XP900 GoldDried Fruit x1
Ordeals of a New Recruit
Borderwatch Outpost
To a monster, new recruits are simply easy pickings. As such, sending an untrained soldier into the heart of a harpy flock was probably not the wisest choice.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: In Dragon’s Wake
Clear Rewards
400 XP100 GoldLantern Oil x1
Melve Side Quests
Side Quests
Medicament Predicament
A merchant is no less than the sum of their wares. This simple truth is not lost on young Flora, who ventured out from Vernworth to procure a medicament sold only in Melve.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: Seat of the Sovran
Clear Rewards
500 XP100 GoldRing of Exultation x1
Brothers Brave and Timid
Norbert ventured into the forest to collect medicinal herbs, sorely needed in Melve in the wake of the dragon’s fury. But he has yet to return, and his brother, Ian, is very worried.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: Seat of the Sovran
Clear Rewards
400 XP1,500 GoldHomespun Cloak x1
Nesting Troubles
Melve’s defenses are greatly diminished in the wake of the dragon’s attack, making the village a target for all manner of opportunistic monsters.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: Seat of the Sovran
Clear Rewards
400 XP1,250 GoldStoutness Extract x1
Readvent of Calamity
To suffer the dragon’s attack once is a nightmare. To suffer it twice is nothing short of ill luck – and it seems Melve’s fortunes are determined not to turn.
How to Unlock
Start Main Quests in Vernworth.
Clear Rewards
2,000 XP4,500 GoldRing of Grit x1Unlock Mystic Spearhand Vocations.
Home is Where the Hearth Is
A regiment of soldiers occupies Melve, keeping the villagers as prisoners in their homes and turning outsiders away.
Oxcart service to Melve has resumed, and the proprietor of the carts has asked your aid in inspecting the road and delivering a letter. This could make a nice change of pace.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: Seat of SovranClear Main Quest: In Dragon’s Wake
Clear Rewards
300 XP5,000 GoldMiner’s Hosen x1
Vocation Frustration
Vernworth Vocation Guild
It seems certain vocations are unavailable for registration at the guild hall at present, unless you have the weapons required on hand. Perhaps the townsfolk can tell you more.
Mildred has a request to make of you, and has asked you to meet her at her abode if you are interested.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: Seat of Sovran
Clear Rewards
The Heel of History
How to Unlock
Clear Rewards
A Case of Sculptor’s Block
How to Unlock
Clear Rewards
Harve Side Quests
Side Quests
Scaly Invaders
Harne Village
The people of Harve fled the dragon’s fury, only to return to find the village occupied by saurians. However, they may yet reclaim their homes if you cull the scaly fiends.
How to Unlock
Start Main Quest: Monster Culling (at Harve Village)
Clear Rewards
1,800 XP5,000 GoldSaurian Hide x6
Trouble on the Cape
Harne Village
The people of Harve have regained their village, but are far from peace. The monster threat has brought unresolved tensions to the fore, sparking conflict among the villagers.
How to Unlock
Start Side Quest: Readvent of Calamity
Clear Rewards
1,800 XP6,500 GoldFerrystone x1
Checkpoint Rest Town Side Quests
Side Quests
The Sorcerer’s Appraisal
Checkpoint Rest Town
Residing in a manor in the checkpoint rest town is Myrddin, a sorcerer of great renown. He is even willing to share the secrets of his art – provided he finds you worthy, that is.
How to Unlock
Start Main Quests in Vernworth.
Clear Rewards
? Rewards
Hunt for the Jadeite Orb
Checkpoint Rest Town
On your wanderings, you encountered a man desperate to reclaim a stolen treasure: the Jadeite Orb.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: Seat of the Sovran
Clear Rewards
Option 1:1,000 XP3,000 GoldElite Camping Kit x1 (If you give a random orb to Offulve.)Option 2:1,000 XP12,000 GoldRing of Skullduggery x1 (If you give the actual orb to Everard.)
Prey for the Pack
Checkpoint Rest Town
? Client
? Description
How to Unlock
Reach Checkpoint Rest Town.
Clear Rewards
? Clear Rewards
Mercy among Thieves
Checkpoint Rest Town (at the Battahl Border Gate)
A gang of bandits has been menacing the highroad of late, targeting oxcarts with deadly efficiency. But their days are numbered, now that you have been called upon to rout them.
How to Unlock
Cross the border leading to Battahl.
Clear Rewards
4,000 XP8,000 Gold
Vermund Side Quests
Moonglow Garden Side Quests
Side Quests
Claw Them Into Shape
Moonglow Garden
You encountered Beren, a beastren training recruits at the encampment by the border. Though he is a warrior of skill, his presence seems to be discouraging new enlistments.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: In Dragon’s Wake
Clear Rewards
1,200 XP4,500 Gold
Beren’s Final Lesson
Moonglow Garden
Just as Beren’s dismissal is decided, the cyclops returns to wreak its vengeance on the recruits – and this time, it isn’t likely to be so easily repelled.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: Seat of the SovranClear Side Quest: Claw Them Into Shape
Clear Rewards
1,600 XP4,500 GoldLifetaker x1
Eini’s House Side Quests
Side Quests
Eini’s House
You encountered Trysha, a young girl living with her grandparents on the outskirts of Vermund. Fed up with her dreary days, she dreams of only one thing: studying magick.
How to Unlock
Clear Main Quest: In Dragon’s Wake
Clear Rewards
2,000 XP3,000 GoldCast Stone x1Conjurer’s Jottings tome x1 (from Trysha)Enchanter’s Almanac tome x1 (from Eini)
What are Side Quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
Side Quests optional side missions or client requests.
Side Quests are mercenary side quests you can pursue while clearing the main story of the game. They can be in the form of searching items, repairing items, or defeating specified enemies. Rewards can be valuable items or unlocks to another Side Quest.
What are the features of Side Quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
Some Side Quests are Missable.
The original Dragon’s Dogma have Side Quests that cannot retracked once accidentally skipped. Dragon’s Dogma 2 may have those Side Quests again since the game has a larger map and multiple cities to explore.
How to Find Side Quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
Take note of environmental cues and unique dialogues while exploring the world.
The world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 is littered with environmental cues and markers that can help you unlock new Side Quests. Always be on the lookout for them when traveling.
Dragon’s Dogma II is an upcoming action RPG developed and published by Capcom. Scheduled for release on March 22, 2024, for PlayStation 5, Windows, Android,iOS and Xbox Series X/S, the game features a character who uses spells to confuse enemies and enhance Pawns in battle. Players can work with vocations to unlock additional abilities for…
The Mystic Spearhand Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 emerges as a dynamic hybrid class blending physical melee prowess with versatile magick utility skills. Serving as the successor to the beloved Mystic Knight from the previous installment, the Mystic Spearhand embodies a more agile combat style reminiscent of a ‘jedi knight,’ wielding a duospear for damage…
The highly anticipated continuation, Dragon’s Dogma 2, is poised to deliver an immersive gaming adventure filled with a diverse range of formidable bosses, each boasting distinctive abilities and tactics. Capcom has unveiled a lineup of challenging adversaries set to push players to their limits in thrilling combat encounters. Dragon’s Dogma 2 Bosses Explained Bosses in…
Pawns play a vital role as companions in DD2, supporting you in battles and exploration. Understanding how to revive fallen Pawns is crucial to maintaining a strong party dynamic. Reviving Fallen Pawns When a Pawn’s HP drops to zero, they are incapacitated and need assistance to rejoin the fight. To revive a fallen Pawn in…
Can you change the difficulty in Dragon’s Dogma 2? Included are details on the game’s various game modes, new difficulty settings added in the sequel, and other information based on official sources. No adjustable difficulty In contrast to its predecessors, Dragon’s Dogma and Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, Dragon’s Dogma 2 does not feature selectable difficulty…
Welcome to the Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guide on How To Unlock Mystic Spearhand Hybrid Vocation. Unlock the Mystic Spearhand Vocation under Maister Sigmund’s guidance at Dragonsbreath Tower in the southwestern region of Battahl. Although there are no quest restrictions, you will face a challenging drake encounter early on. It is advisable to reach level 30 or higher…