How To Unlock the Magick Archer Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Unlock the Magick Archer Hybrid Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 with this Guide!
To access the Magick Archer Vocation, you must embark on a quest with Gautstafr. The Maister of the Magick Archer won’t engage in conversation until you finish this quest. Initiate the process of unlocking the Magick Archer Vocation by conversing with Gautstafr near the entrance of the Windy Cave.

Unlocking Magick Archer Vocation
Now we are going to show you step-by-step how to unlock the Magick Archer Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
How to Find Magick Archer Vocation Maister

In the southern reaches of Battahl lies Cliodhna, the Maister of the Magick Archer Vocation. Progressing further requires traversing Drabnir’s Grotto, a cave system along Battahl’s southern coast.
Upon emerging from the Windy Cave, you’ll encounter Gautstafr, a dwarf on the road, who will be seeking wildflowers due to back pain. Gather three different types of flowers nearby to aid him.
To streamline this task, ensure you bring along three distinct flower varieties before departing from town.
Completing Spring in Thy Step
Embark on the Spring in Thy Step quest to access the Magick Archer Vocation. Begin by finding Gautstafr on the roadside and offering him flowers. Subsequently, he will request transportation to Windwalker’s Home. Upon arrival, you will encounter Cliodhna, who will only engage with you after this sequence of events.

After safely escorting Gautstafr back home, he will continue to lament his back issues and offer you the chance to accompany him to the Springs. Agree to this proposal and lead him on this journey. While he is not difficult to protect, you may face various adversaries, such as a possible griffon encounter and a minotaur battle along the way.

We hope the How to Unlock the Magick Archer Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 guide was helpful!